Please inform the school if your child is not – or will not be – in school for any reason. To do this, please call the school’s absence line- 01823 490437
We ask all parents and carers to ensure that:
Your parent/carer and emergency contact information is up-to-date on our system.
You contact the school on the first day of absence before 9.15 am providing your child’s details and the reason for their absence.
Contact the school on every further day of absence before 9.15 am providing your child’s details and the reasons for their ongoing absence.
Minimise absence by ensuring your child returns to school as soon as possible. In some cases, your child may be well enough to come into school later in the day.
We may request medical evidence if your child is having multiple periods of absence which are reported as being due to medical reasons. When deciding whether a child is too ill to attend school, both parents and school staff can consider the advice contained with NHS guidance on illness and school attendance.
If your child is absent, we will:
Telephone or text you on the first, and every subsequent day of absence, if you have failed to inform us of the reason for your child’s absence.
If we are unable to contact you by telephone, we will telephone emergency contact numbers and send letters home. In the interests of safeguarding all our pupils, a home visit may also be conducted.
A referral will be made to Local Authority if no contact has been made with parents by the tenth consecutive day of absence (or sooner if deemed appropriate), and we are unable to verify your whereabouts. At this point your child will be a Child Missing from Education (CME).
If you need to request time off in term time, please contact the school office.